Whether you’re looking for services and support, LGBT-friendly businesses, or opportunities and training, The SF LGBT Center is here for you.
*Because many organizations have been impacted by the local COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, please call ahead for any in-person resources.*
San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium
The services of SFDVS’s seventeen agencies include emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis lines, counseling, prevention programs, education and legal assistance.
100 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94129
Administration Office: (415) 626 8709
To Report Abuse: (415) 864 4722
San Francisco Housing Authority
Since 1938, the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) has continued to provide families affordable housing programs throughout 40 developments and serves more than 20,000 individuals in San Francisco.
1815 Egbert Ave.
San Francisco, California 94124
(415) 715 5200
San Francisco Housing Development Corporation
The mission of SFHDC is to foster financial stability through the development of affordable housing, the facilitation of homeownership and the economic empowerment and revitalization of Bayview Hunters Point and other neighborhoods of Southeast San Francisco.
4439 Third St.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 822 1022
San Francisco LGBTQI Violence Prevention Needs Assessment
San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex Violence Prevention Needs Assessment
San Francisco Tenants Union
For more than 40 years, San Francisco Tenants Union (SFTU) has educated thousands of renters on their rights under local, state, and federal law and empowered residents to assert those rights to make informed decisions.
558 Capp St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 282 6622
Season of Sharing
Season of Sharing provides temporary assistance with housing, medicine, and food for people in the Bay Area.
PO Box 44740
San Francisco, CA 94144
(415) 777 7120