Whether you’re looking for services and support, LGBT-friendly businesses, or opportunities and training, The SF LGBT Center is here for you.
*Because many organizations have been impacted by the local COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, please call ahead for any in-person resources.*
Eviction Defense Collaborative
The Eviction Defense Collaborative works to combat homelessness in San Francisco by providing legal assistance to low-income tenants in legal proceedings for eviction, as well as rental assistance through interest-free loans and grants. They also offer a program called Shelter Client Advocates, which monitors shelter conditions in San Francisco and assists shelter clients in appealing denials of service.
1338 Mission St. 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 947 0797
Legal: [email protected]
Financial: [email protected]
Free Print Shop
Download eleven charts to help find free food, shelter, medical aid, & help with neighborhood problems in San Francisco.
Psychotherapist Association for Gender & Sexual Diversity. Helps locate mental health services including therapist referrals, education and consultation.
584 Castro St. #230
San Francisco, CA 94114
(mail only)
(415) 729 3996
Gender Health SF (SFDPH)
Gender Health SF’s mission is to increase access to quality gender affirming health care for underserved transgender and non-binary people in San Francisco, regardless of immigration status and/or level of income. This includes supporting trans folks navigate the process of signing up for gender affirming surgeries.
1735 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 206 7979
Gender Spectrum
Services to help youth, families, organizations and institutions understand and address concepts of gender identity and gender expression.
1271 Washington Ave. #834
San Leandro, CA 94577
(510) 788 4412
General Assistance Advocacy Project
The General Assistance Advocacy Project believes that everyone deserves to enjoy economic security, including stable income, food availability and healthcare.
276 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 928 8191