Whether you’re looking for services and support, LGBT-friendly businesses, or opportunities and training, The SF LGBT Center is here for you.
*Because many organizations have been impacted by the local COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, please call ahead for any in-person resources.*
The San Francisco Green Party
The SF Green Party is a part of the Green Party of California, they are attempting to put people in office who truly are working in the best interests of the majority.
25 Fair Oaks St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 480 4773
The Sanctuary
The Sanctuary provides shelter to homeless adults registered through the City of San Francisco. Services include: two meals a day, SFSU Nursing drop-in meets three times a day and senior support through nutritional accommodations and earlier access to services.
201 8th St.
San Francisco, CA
(415) 487 3300
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
An order of queer nuns devoted to community service, ministry and outreach, and promoting human rights.
584 Castro St. #392
San Francisco, CA 94114
The Stonewall Project
The Stonewall Project provides harm-reduction based counseling and treatment for queer men who use drugs or alcohol.
1035 Market St. Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 487 3100
TODCO provides and advocates for affordable housing in the South of Market neighborhood for seniors and low-income residents.
230 4th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Administration: (415) 896 1880
Waitlist: (415) 957 0227
Tom Waddell Urban Health Center
Through the SFDPH, the Tom Waddell Urban Health Center provides primary care for adults experiencing homelessness in the Tenderloin community, as well as mental health, sexual health, substance abuse, and transgender health services.
230 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 355 7500
For Urgent Care, please visit:
50 Ivy St.
San Francisco, CA 94102