Whether you’re looking for services and support, LGBT-friendly businesses, or opportunities and training, The SF LGBT Center is here for you.
*Because many organizations have been impacted by the local COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, please call ahead for any in-person resources.*
Day Laborers Program
Our members have experience as movers, painters, gardeners, construction workers, plumbers, busboys, waiters, set-up workers for events, janitors, and more! We provide temporary workers for hire for various jobs, and support people in developing a variety of skills as work opportunities. It is split by gender into the ‘Day Laborers Program’ and the ‘Women’s Collective’.
3358 Cesar Chavez St.
San Francisco, CA
(415) 252 5375
Deaf Counseling, Advocacy, and Referral Agency
The Deaf Counseling, Advocacy, and Referral Agency (DCARA) is a non-profit, community-based organization that provides programming tailored to members of the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, and Deaf-Blind community. The social services offered by DCARA encompass advocacy, community education, employment assistance, and youth and family support.
4895 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 343-6670
list of other locations: https://dcara.org/locations/
Dolores Street Community Services
Dolores Street Community Services nurtures individual wellness and cultivates collective power among low-income and immigrant communities to create a more just society.
938 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 282 6209
Episcopal Community Services
Episcopal Community Services (ECS) offers a holistic approach to serving San Francisco’s homeless and low-income populations. They offer shelter services, as well as programs focused on housing, employment, adult education, elderly care, and crisis response.
165 8th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 487 3300
Equal Rights Advocates – Advice and Counseling Line
Toll-free, multi-lingual hotline for women and girls seeking answers to questions about discrimination they have experienced at work or school.
1170 Market St. Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94102
1 (800) 839 4372
(415) 621 0672
Eviction Defense Collaborative
The Eviction Defense Collaborative works to combat homelessness in San Francisco by providing legal assistance to low-income tenants in legal proceedings for eviction, as well as rental assistance through interest-free loans and grants. They also offer a program called Shelter Client Advocates, which monitors shelter conditions in San Francisco and assists shelter clients in appealing denials of service.
1338 Mission St. 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 947 0797
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Financial: [email protected]